Wednesday, May 18, 2011

New Ideas . . .

I don't know about you, but my brain is constantly running at what feels like a schpillion miles an hour - pretty much all of the time. So when I come up with different ideas - instead of hanging out and marinating up there - gaining the turbulence necessary to take over the world - they just seem to disappear in an instant . . . and are immediately replaced by another. This uncontrollable process drives me absolutely NUTS - but for the most part, allows me to be excused for my intense quirkiness.

With that said, welcome. I'm not quite sure how I'm going to use this - but if it ends up chillin' out for my own peace of mind once in awhile - that would be simply mmmaaarvelous.

This has been my latest obsession - I was hanging around my apartment a couple weeks ago daydreaming on the couch of the sweet little bicycle I had just bought - but instead of getting off my ass and going for an actual ride on it , I started playing around with the [word] lock I had gotten for it. It's been a tad challenging, being it only has 4 slots of letters, but it's super fun!

So much for peddling that beach bod back into action . . .


  1. My name is Kate Gardner too. I found you on a google search. I like your ideas.


  2. Hah - no way! that's so fun! and thanks so much! :]
